Mr. Medicine
miss answers and conversations,
how we can dicuss things that can't even be discussed.
I miss it all.
But enough with the sentimental stuff,
no time to look back, to the sides or anywhere else.
From now and straighforward is what counts.
Btw, my presentation sucked.
But how should I know that groupmembers
are suppose to jump off the last second without any info.
I did it though on an hour and that I'm proud off,
but still bu tutor thought it sucked.
And the worst part is that I can't really explain either,
it would be tacky to rat the out in some way.
Whatever, almost every presentation is over,
now I just have the tasks and some essays left.
Shoe shopping, even though I can't try them on.
But nevermind I 'll go there on friday or saturday!
When my dad and brother comes here,
I will be so happy to see them
Even though it's not too long ago but still,
it's always fun when people come and visit me.
These are the shoes I want,
lucky for me they are fucking expensive.