To Ramona

Do not think I can go to bed,
sometime everything just feels so empty.
Like there is nothing to make an effort for,
or something like that.
I really have no clue,
sometimes you just feel so lonely.
I don't want to be depressing or anything,
but today I felt like putting it out there.
Tomorrow is going to be a good day though,
going for coffee with K and finish my essay.
And then I have a whole weekend
not have to think about school for a while.
That feels so good, amazing.
By the way, just figured out my dad is coming
here in like 3 weeks.
I am so excited to meet him and J.
Well update about my horrific writing skills
in the essay tomorrow.
I think I need some sleep.
I've heard you say many times
That you're better 'n no one
And no one is better 'n you
If you really believe that
You know you have 
Nothing to win and nothing to lose


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