I will to miss you tomorrow.

Some things are suppose to be left misunderstood,
but others is better to clear out.
And that was this weekend,
I cleared out all the misunderstandings.
Cleared out all my feelings,
I don't know if I feel empty or just relieved.
It could be in both ways aswell,
my chest feels heavy at the moment.
But after all my presentations in school and
alsowhen my dad comes.
Everything will fall in place soon,
trying not to be worried.
I'll hold my breath till you get here.
The weekende was very nice though,
I got a way from school a bit.
That feels nice not have to think about it 24/7,
but now the thoughts catch my attention again.
snapped some pics last weekend,
well moste of them is not taken by me.
But still.
When I am absolutely charming...

But they are abselutley charming...

..as ever.

And this was our entertainment.


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