Valentines day? Really?

Sometimes I just wish it was up to me,
so i don't have to rely on others all the time.
If I could have done the presentation by myself,
everything would have been done.
But right now, I'm waiting for other people to finish it.
I can't control them,
and it bugs me!
Well, done with the complaining for a while.
I'm still on pins and needles
for the place in finsbury park.
Btw, I just have to mention it is
Valentines day to day.
So why is everybody so happy about it?
Espacially if you are kind of lonley
why would you want to celebrate lonliness?

feels like im diving into emptiness,
yet there is something
beating and a bubbling fire,
from the chore of my inside.
Refusal to spend the days,
chasing monsters and illusions


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