He sang of what I have become

Hey, I was thinking about start writing in English,
after all that's the language I talk everyday.
If I'm not talking with myself of course,
and I'm not really sure how often that happens.
You know those times when life just seems so hard
that you just want to escape.
Well, I have to say I am an expert in escaping.
I do it all to good so when it eventually catches up with me
I am kinda doomed.
Everything always catches up with you,
honestly you can not escape life.
Not the good part and not the bad.
The best defence mechanism is to store all the
good and the bad so neatly inside that you can take
them at any time.
Like a your own personal library,
without the card thing and the giving back books and fines.
Right now I am escaping the horrific memories of past
If I am even going to be able to put together the
power point presentation I need to stop thinking
about former experiences.
My hands are shaking.
Not to be over-dramatic but this is
one of my worst nightmare.
Maybe I have to many nightmares,
but how do I get rid of them?
Well not to be too depressing now.
What can I tell besides all the shits that's
happening now.
As we now my life has always been a big question mark,
a big one.
Even now during my studies I have no clue,
I have no life plan.
But yet I do not think I am the only 20 year old with this
problem so maybe there is groups I can go to?
"Hi, My name is Mimmi and I do not know anything."
That's just disturbing.


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