This Voice

Bara för att jag är för uttömd för att kunna skriva ett smack
så har jag tagit mig friheten att dela med mig av ren & skär känsla från Ane Brun.

In my mind I'm crawling on your floor

Vomiting and defeated

Total absence of grace

Your reluctant voice saying

You decide your own fate but

I wear rubber bands round my soul


They keep me from crawling

And these rubber bands round my soul

They keep me from falling

In my repeated dreams


You stare at me with an empty gaze

You turn your back on me

And you search for more intriguing days

Loathing this

Controlling this

Let me get a hold of this so

I wear rubber bands round my soul


They keep me from crawling

And these rubber bands round my soul

They keep me from falling

So then when you are not in my dreams


And not in my mind


But we are at the same place at the same time

Rubber no longer holds

The borders of my soul

Rubber&Sould-Ane Brun


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